Quick fix for PR_END_OF_FILE_ERROR on Firefox
If you happen to run into this error, these quick DNS changes should fix the problem for you.
Setting up Magic Arena on Linux (Ubuntu) Framework 16 Laptop
Surprisingly easy and sharing for the community
Make your phone less addictive with mLauncher
Like light-phone, but with all the functionality you need
An opiniated guide to using Org Mode in Emacs
What worked for me might work for you.
Building a team from scratch
Where to start when building a new team
Help! My software project is behind schedule
What to do when projects start to slip
How to transfer a Route53 domain name between AWS accounts
Learn how to transfer a domain name between AWS accounts
4 tips to make faster and better decisions at work
For almost any meaningful work, you will need to work together with others. This does come with the need to make decisions. Here are some tips to make faster and better decisions.
Building a website for the long-term
Learn about the technical decisions I made to update this website and keep it running for the long-term. This post covers static site generators, CI/CD and AWS products.
A return to blogging
After 6 years, I'm returning to blogging. Keeping a blog really helps you organize thoughts and share these easily. It is something I have missed having, and I look forward to getting back into this practice.