I am Apt

Accidental Norwegian Bread

Published on Sat Apr 20 2019 07:59:52 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

Two loafs of “accidental Norwegian bread”

A slice of “accidental Norwegian bread”


Levain (makes 400 grams)

| Ingredient | Quantity | --- | --- | --- | | Starter (from counter) | 1 table spoon | Water | 200 | Wholemeal flour | 100 | White bread flour | 100

Dough (makes 2 loaves)

Ingredient Quantity (g) Baker's Percentage (%)
Levain 200 20
Water 750 + 50 80
Wholemeal spelt flour 333 33
Wholemeal rye flour 333 33
Wholemeal flour 333 33
Salt 20 2


Step Time
Levain rest 9 hours
Autolyse 1 hour and 15 mins
Bulk rise 4 hours
Proof 3 hours
Bake* 40 mins

*First 20 mins with lid, last 20 mins without. Start at 250 Cº and lower to 225 Cº after 30 mins.


  1. Levain did not float.
  2. Starter did not smell good, more like cheese, rather than the usual apple vinegar.
  3. Dough was very dry. Do these flours need more water than usual, or is it the lower gluten content?