I am Apt

Michele Triple

Published on Sat Nov 24 2018 00:00:00 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

The bread


Levain (makes 400 grams)

| Ingredient | Quantity | --- | --- | --- | | Starter (from fridge) | 2 table spoon | Water | 200 | Wholemeal flour | 100 | White bread flour | 100

Dough (makes 3 loaves)

Ingredient Quantity (g) Baker's Percentage (%)
Levain 300 20
Water 1,125 75
Wholemeal spelt flour 500 33
Wholemeal flour 500 33
White bread flour 500 33
Salt 30 2


Step Time
Autolyse 35 mins
Bulk rise 14 hours
Proof 8–9 hours
Bake 40 mins


  1. Not as sour as usual (which is good). Due to the spelt or leaven?
  2. The true “Michele triple” is with white spelt flour. Let's try that sometime.