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Old Leaven Wholemeal & Rye

Published on Sun Jul 22 2018 11:04:07 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

Old Leaven Wholemeal & Rye Bread

Old Leaven Wholemeal & Rye Bread

Ingredient Quantity (g) Baker's Percentage (%)
Levain 200 20
Water 750 + 50 80
Wholemeal flour 750 75
Wholemeal rye flour 50 5
White bread flour 200 20
Salt 20 2


Step Time
Autolyse 1hr
Bulk rise 3hrs
Bench rest 30mins
Proof in fridge 12 hrs
Bake 40mins


  1. Leaven was made with 200g cold water and 160g wholemeal/white flour mix
  2. Leaven was left to ferment for 16 hours
  3. Crust was a bit burnt. Baked at 250 Cº for 20 mins, and then 225 Cº for 20 mins. Consider lowering the second half to 220 Cº.