I am Apt

Post-USA Wholemeal Sourdough

Published on Sat Sep 14 2019 22:35:58 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

The final bake

The crumb

Ingredient Quantity (g) Baker's Percentage (%)
Water 750 75
Wholemeal flour 750 75
White strong flour 250 25
Levain 200 20
Salt (for dough) 20 2


Step Time
Levain rest 6.5 hours
Autolyse 45 mins
Bulk rise 4.5 hours
Proof in fridge 12 hours
Bake @ 250 ºC 40 mins


  1. Great wholemeal sourdough!
  2. Best bake happens with 20 mins at 250 ºC and final 20 mins at 240 ºC.