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Wholemeal Sourdough with a Splash of Rye

Published on Sun May 20 2018 10:40:00 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

The crust of the “Wholemeal Sourdough with a Splash of Rye” bread

The crumb of the “Wholemeal Sourdough with a Splash of Rye” bread

A close-up photograph of the crumb of the “Wholemeal Sourdough with a Splash of Rye” bread

Ingredient Quantity (g) Baker's Percentage (%)
Levain 300 20
Water 1,125 + 75 80
Wholemeal flour 975 60
Wholemeal rye flour 75 5
White bread flour 450 30
Salt 30 2


Step Time
Autolyse 1hr
Bulk rise 4hrs
Bench rest 30mins
Proof 4 hrs
Bake 40mins


  1. Leaven did not float after an 7 hour overnight rest. Added a tablespoon of starter and waited an hour, just like in this recipe—it did make it taste pretty sour.
  2. Not sure if 1,500g or 1,450g of total flour used
  3. Dough is very sticky, but it did feel dry. Maybe the non-floating leaven meant there wasn't enough active yeast to create strong gluten?
  4. Final shaping was done with wet hands, and no issue in the texture. This conflicts with the notes from Wholemeal Sourdough (Tartine).
  5. Baked at full max temperature (approx. 250Cº) for the full 40 mins, lead to burnt crust.