I am Apt

Tartine Country Bread

Published on Sun Jan 28 2018 01:06:32 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

Starter (1 week)

Equal amounts of water and a 50/50 wholemeal/white flour mix. Discard 80% daily and replenish with equal amounts of water and flour mix.

Leven (8 hours, overnight)

The night before, discard 80% and add 200g of 26Cº water and 200g of the 50/50 wholemeal/white flour mix.

Dough (5 minutes + 25–40 minute rest)

Ingredient Quantity (g) Baker's Percentage (%)
Water (27Cº) 700 plus 50 75
Leaven 200 50
Total flour 1,000 50
White flour 900 90
Wholemeal flour 100 10
Salt 20 2

Mix in large bowl

  1. Add water
  2. Add leaven
  3. Add & mix flour till no dry bits left
  4. Rest for 25-40 minutes
  5. Add salt and extra 50g of water

Bulk rise (3-4 hours)

Every half hour, turn dough. Wet hand to prevent sticking.

Initial shaping (10 minutes + 20–30 minutes bench rest)

Place on unfloured worktop. Sprinkle with flour and shape into rounds. Leave to rest.

Final shaping (5 minutes)

Shape into rounds

Proofing (3–4 hours)

Baking (2 × 35 mins)

First 20 mins on 265Cº, last 20 mins on 235Cº